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Comprehensive Utilization of LNG Cold Energy

Release time: 2016-04-05author:source:

For an efficiency improvement of storage and transport in great quantities, the nature gas is usually converted into LNG by purification and liquefaction. However, LNG still needs to be converted back to gas at room temperature when used, in which large quantities of cold energy are available. Through recycling of the cold energy, a more effective utilization of energy and a less power consumed by mechanical refrigeration are achieved. This has significant economic and social benefits

By long-term theoretical and practical to exploration of comprehensive utilization of LNG cold energy, we have mastered a number of cold energy utilization technology. Especially in the field of LNG cold energy for power generation, we have an in-depth research on direct expansion method, secondary media method and combined method. They are all based on our leading cryogenic technology and turbo-generator set with independent intellectual property. Besides process design, we have the capability for whole system construction.